Challenges for the Future

Case for Globalisation  Case Against Globalisation ·        Growth of Tiger economies . ·        Individuals in NICs enjoy significantly higher incomes and purchasing power parity than in the past. ·        The nation states that have not followed the path of integration into the world economy are instructive, suffering from backwardness. ·        Consumers in the richer moreContinue reading “Challenges for the Future”

Global Groups

This section focuses of the various different groups involved in the processes of globalisation and the impacts on various stakeholders. TNCs – These are one of the most important groups involved in globalisation  and many regard these companies and there money (most commonly FDI) as the most significant cause and catalyst. Global Groupings – StudentContinue reading “Global Groups”

Going Global Past Questions

Going Global Short Answer Questions… Suggest reasons for why Poland has been the greatest source of migrants in the EU.  (3) Suggest reasons for why Spain has been the most popular destination for migrants leaving the UK. (3) Explain why the UK is a ‘global hub’ for international migration. (4) Explain the likely consequences ofContinue reading “Going Global Past Questions”

Global Institutions

Governance refers to the different ways that organizations, institutions, businesses, and governments manage their affairs. Governance is the act of governing, and thus involves the application of laws and regulations, but also of customs, ethical standards and norms. Global governance refers to the way in which global affairs are managed. As there is no globalContinue reading “Global Institutions”


What is Globalisation and how is it changing people’s lives? Define Globalisation What factors have accelerated globalisation? Globalisation is the integration and interconnection of economies, industries, markets, cultures and policy-making around the world. It describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade,Continue reading “Globalisation”

World at Risk and Climate Change Past Questions

Hazards Explain how El Nino cycles can lead to drought. (5) Explain how El Nino cycles can lead to flooding. (5) Explain how earthquakes occur at destructive plate boundaries. (4) Explain why volcanic hazards are common in the Philippines but not in California. (5) Explain how global warming leads to rising sea levels. (4) ExplainContinue reading “World at Risk and Climate Change Past Questions”