Summer Reading

Over the summer I would like you all to read Adventures in the Anthropocene By Gaia Vince. Not only is this one of the best geography books I have read it will also provide you with a wealth of case studies for the exams and an excellent overview of issues and brilliant solutions for unit 3.

As you read this I would like you to pick your top 3 ingenious and effective solutions to present in September.  This may take the form of notes, a powerpoint, a prezi or even a video.

An introduction to the book can be found here: Listen from 19mins

Adventures of the Anthropocene

In addition the following work is required for acceptance to A2.

Water Conflict

In preparation for the upcoming unit over the summer you need to read through and makes notes on the following sections (1 page per question).

  1. What is water scarcity and why is it a growing concern?
  2. What are the threats posed by water scarcity?
  3. Where is most at risk economically, socially, and environmentally from water scarcity (risk=(hazard*vulnerability)/capacity to cope)

The following articles should provide the basis of your reading however additional research is strongly encouraged.


Published by MrGeogWagg

Geography Teacher, London

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